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We have 5 core tenants when breeding to make sure you get the best puppy possible:

H​ealth - The dogs we use in breeding have a number of health tests completed, based on the WAC/WCA recommendations, including Hips, Thyroid, Cardiac and OFA eye exams. As important, we do extensive research into the pedigrees of the dogs we breed, in order to avoid or breed away from known health issues. 


​Temperament - We ensure the sire & dam have solid, balanced temperaments, both with people and other dogs.


Livability - Even an active hunting dog spends most of their life with the family, so we strive for "easy-keepers" around the house. 

Hunting talent - We believe Weimaraners should be able to hunt as well as any other versatile breed.  We breed proven hunting dogs.  You will not hear any excuses from us that Weims are supposed to be "slow or close working dogs".

Conformation - Our focus on conformation is on the practical side.  We are not necessarily looking for "show quality", however we want moderate, correct conformation that will allow the dog to do what it was bred to do and to live a long life. We tend towards the smaller side of the breed standard.

We breed hunting Weimaraners for hunters. Field trial prospects occasionally.

© 2021 by NorthLink Weimaraners.

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